I got quite a lovely response to my 1 free space.
I'm so thrilled to see everyone getting excited about photography.
So basically for every comment on my blog, that got a name in the bag, a comment on my Facebook, that got a name in the bag and a share of my post on Facebook, also got your name in the bag - so if you did all three then you got your name in three times.
So thank you to everyone who did that - it was such fun!
I'm thrilled to announce that the winner is...
I'm thrilled to announce that the winner is...
Well done Phyllis.
A deserved win - you did so much to share the post and the love.
Time to turn your automatic off on your DSLR.
Time to turn your automatic off on your DSLR.
I must say though, I did want everyone to get a place.
I was definitely feeling the pressure.
WOW What a lovely surprise to wake up to. Thank you so much Jeanne-Marie. I'm so excited. Thank you, thank you. Much love..Phyllis