Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Day 3 - Prompt 8

Prompt 8

"Sometimes everything has to be inscribed across the heavens so you can find the one line already written inside you."

- Davie Whyte

How far do you need to travel in order to find that home is within, that home is always with you?  Sometimes it takes crossing the seas, facing down dragons, buying mystery beans, climbing mountains, digging for gold and seeking grails all in order to find that your home was always with you, that home is a place you find within.

How do you feel a home coming?

I think I have been a seeker my whole life.  Finding where I belong and perhaps to whom too.  Maybe that has to do with not living in my country of birth, maybe it has to do with being a little nomadic.  Maybe it has to do with our cultures and subcultures and trying to find something that feels right and true.  Maybe it has to do with being lost for the longest time.

I guess taking that first trip to this remarkable place, I found a bit of me - my heritage, my story and my joy in these ancient streets... maybe the start of my calling home... who knows but it was definitely the start of something.

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